Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Emotional Effects of Burn Injuries

Emotional Effects of Burn Injury Victims in California
Burns can occur in many different ways, including electrocutions, fires, explosions, scalds, and more. Victims of serious burns often face a long road to recovery that can include painful skin grafts,1 surgeries, extended stays in burn centers, among any other recommended treatments. Overall, the medical expenses of burn treatment, as well as the physical pain and suffering of a victim, can be extensive. If you were burned due to the negligence of another person or party, an experienced injury lawyer in Los Angeles can help you recover for your losses.

In addition to the physical effects of serious burns, victims often experience significant emotional effects, as well. Some examples of the emotional issues that may result from burns include:

Emotional effects of pain – Ongoing and severe pain can quickly wear on a person's psyche and cause many emotional problems. Even burn victims who take narcotic painkillers can experience serious emotional effects from the effects of the medication. Therapy is often needed to help victims cope with their chronic pain.

Emotional anxieties due to scars or disfigurement – Even with skin grafts and other procedures, many burn victims are left with substantial visible scarring or disfigurement. Their new appearance may cause a burn victim to suffer from depression and social anxiety of how others will react to their scars. Some burn victims may withdraw from social situations or previously enjoyed activities due to their anxiety and anti-anxiety treatment and medication is often needed.

PTSD – Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)2 stems from the event that caused the burn and not from the injury itself. Fires, explosions, car accidents, and other events that can result in burns can be traumatic and can cause depression, anxiety, flashbacks, nightmares, emotional issues, and other debilitating symptoms of PTSD. PTSD often limits a victim's ability to work or engage in social situations and requires substantial psychological treatment to recover.

All of the above emotional effects often require their own treatment separate from physical medical treatment. Burn victims deserve to recover for their emotional losses, as well, and a qualified Los Angeles injury lawyer can help you.

Steven M. Sweat, APC
5757 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 450
Los Angeles, CA  90036
(323) 944-0993


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